Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

I'm Not Celebarting Valentine's Day

People say that Valentine's Day
is a special day to sharing Love
To show to our beloved that we Love them...
Thinking of them...
And trying to make them happy
by giving them gift, chocolate, and rosses

Everyday in my life
I feel that I've been Loved so much
I feel happiness
and I know that I have someone who always 
thinking of me

I may not recieved gifts, chocolates and rosses Everyday
But I've receive More
I receive the essence of Valentine's Day itself :
Being Loved,
every second, every minute, everyday

That's why ...
I'm not celebrating Valentine's Day
only on February 14th
'cause Everyday with you in my life,
feels like Everyday is a Valentine's Day for me

Thank you for Loving me that much


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