Selasa, 16 September 2014

A Place, Called Dream...

Somewhere, outhere... there's a place in a distance.
A place where I can trully be me, not "the have to be" me.
A place where every second flow beautifully.
A place where I can rest and lay my head on where it belongs...
A place that for nowadays I have to call it a dream.
 A place that I always whispered on my teary prayer every night.
A place that some of you say I shouldn't be there.
A place that some of you don't know  the truth about it.
Sometimes, half of me is scream inside my head :
what the hell, just go there and leave everything behind.
But later on, another voice whisper :
stay, finish what you've started first, then go there with pride.
Tired of this conflict inside.... 
 Somewhere, outhere, there's a place
that I wish all of you would let me go to...

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